Health Tax
I propose that care for the elderly be integrated with the NHS so that care homes are fully regulated and that the NHS be fully funded with the help of extra money raised through a health tax rather than charity money raised by sponsoring people in their 90's to walk around their gardens. Recently it has become obvious from the millions raised by charity efforts that people are prepared to pay extra to support the NHS, so before the sound of clapping dies down and is forgotten, lets have a new tax that is ring fenced for a modern, fully funded, state of the art NHS in Scotland.
Why the contribution is important
We need to be fully prepared for future outbreaks so that routine treatments, mental health, and other services are not pushed aside.
by Dees on May 11, 2020 at 09:42AM
Posted by KMR May 11, 2020 at 09:53
As far as Care Homes are concerned, it is the job of the Care Inspectorate to regulate. A service costing the country and tax payer significant amounts of money to quality assure care for the elderly. Begs the question.....whose role in the Care Inspectorate was it to govern/direct the protection of residents of care homes and the staff who work in them, throughout this COVID outbreak? Who spoke up for these people?
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Posted by JustANumber May 11, 2020 at 10:53
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