Health & Wellbeing : Physical & Mental Health

Scotland: The Home of Golf

The modern game of Golf has been developed in Scotland since the Middle Ages and relies on the integrity of the individual to show consideration for other players and to abide by the Rules. It is a sport that is a game of humility, but also a great leveller, enabling players of different ages and proficiencies. It operates in urban and rural areas and predominantly, membership is made up of local communities.

Whilst fully appreciating that we are in a fragile infection control position, with appropriate Interim Rules of Golf that ensures compliance with social distancing it would be very straightforward to allow a Return to Golf. Each private Golf Club has a Board of Directors and sub-committees and a robust governance framework well established to administer and operate Interim Rules and Guidelines.

Why the contribution is important

It is evident that a significant number of young men are golfers. The impact on individuals of prolonged lockdown is a risk to their Mental Health and potentially, also to the people they live with. It is even more pertinent given the continued frustration of not being able to play during the surprisingly wonderful weather we have had this Spring!

In addition, a slight easing up of the restrictions, allowing individuals and household members to play will give a separation of time from each other and provide other things to talk and share with each other when you return home, and to talk with other friends about.

On average a game of golf covers six miles of walking (more for others!!).....excellent physical exercise.

by EEMuir on May 05, 2020 at 01:49PM

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