it will be a long time before anyone can do what they usually do on holiday. I have thought of 2 types of holiday people could take with little risk to transmition.
Same households going together to
1. either a holiday property within 100 miles or
2. if they are lucky enough to have a self contained motor home or caravan with toilet and shower facilities so that they do not need to use campsite bathrooms.
Same households going together to
1. either a holiday property within 100 miles or
2. if they are lucky enough to have a self contained motor home or caravan with toilet and shower facilities so that they do not need to use campsite bathrooms.
Why the contribution is important
looking forward to a holiday will help so many people. Lots of employes are being asked to take their holiday time off when they booked it and may is a popular time. a wee change of scenery in a beauty spot would do them good. As long as they take their own supplies and as long as campsites keep toilets closed and holiday hire companies adopt riggerous cleaning inbetween guests it should be low risk.
by wendyjardine on May 07, 2020 at 02:28PM
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