home reports

allow surveyors to carry out home report 'refreshes' to empty properties to allow existing home sales to complete. where suitable ppe is worn by all involved.
agree with mortgage funders to extend the 13 week validity of reports to say 6 months as well.
allow existing purchases/sales to complete including removals

Why the contribution is important

we sare both high risk and very high risk ,and have agreed sale of our own property and had moved much of our property into storage. our current property does not meet our medical conditions. we are only moving 10 miles on the isle of lewis but are suffering the beginnings of stress because of this issue.
it is the person selling there house to us who cannot get a refresh on the empty proprety they are buying .surveyors will not do survey until govt tells them they can-inspite of current advice by govt for surveyors

by Cardiomike15 on May 05, 2020 at 03:12PM

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