Hospitality Strategy - Membership Solution

Propose that Bars , Restaurants etc initially re-open with a new 'membership' format.

It is clear that no social contact within hospitality premises can be allowed until the rate of virus transmission is both at a safe low level as specified by scientific advisors and that any outbreaks are able to be identified and quickly contained by T,T,I&S.

The hospitality industry is important to both our economy and our social interactions as a society.

I would imagine, in most cases a hospitality venue could not run a viable operation that has to incorporate social distancing, reducing its capacity by 75%.

My proposal is , when safe to do so, that the public can return to Bars and Restaurants on a membership /rota basis allowing both tracing of all visitors, limiting transmission routes whilst creating a viable footfall for businesses to reopen.

The system could be a national data base where business register and declare a membership capacity.
The membership total divided by 7 should allow for a 'full' / viable capacity for the venue each evening allowing that all not members will attend each week. (Should more than the daily limit attend entry should not be granted to the excess numbers.)
Citizens would be allowed to apply for membership to one bar and one restaurant on a first come first served basis. The membership would be split into seven groups and each group permitted to attend on a separate day of the week. (The groups allocated day would roll for to the next day each week)

Businesses would record who attends and /or take reservations.

The outcome would be that each week people could attend one bar and one restaurant but would only come into contact with the same people in their group each week - so a 'hospitality' bubble is created when safe to do so.

Why the contribution is important

To support the economy when safe to do so and to allow a partial return to 'normal' socialising activities.

by alexmcculloch on May 09, 2020 at 02:09PM

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  • Posted by freedom1 May 09, 2020 at 14:14

    Such a scheme would, I imagine, be wholely unworkable within Scotland's huge tourist industry.
  • Posted by Elkie May 09, 2020 at 14:20

    Controllable, workable, extendable - great!
  • Posted by Stephen666 May 09, 2020 at 14:29

    Looks to be a non starter. Local area testing/tracing having been completed, a local area hospitality bible might be appropriate on the lines indicated. As further adjacent local areas are added they could be included. UBI would bee important in these local tested areas to get them to spend as a duty.
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