Household expanding.

Allowing friends/family to visit one another’s homes in limited numbers. These visits pose no more a risk than going for weekly shopping at supermarkets. If, god forbid, one member of the group is infected with the virus, then it is relatively easy for the other members to be tracked and notified to self isolate and breaking the infection chain. Members of this group will be pre-arranged with specific members to make it easier to keep track.

Why the contribution is important

Limited expansion of the definition of a household will allow certain family members to see their loved ones, partners to see one another and meetings of friends. This, obviously poses a risk much like the easing of any restrictions will do. However, by pre-arranging these groups the infection chain can be easily traced and stopped in its tracks. This will be a manageable easing and will be greatly appreciated by all Scots while doing wonders for mental health and isolation.

by Garymcc97 on May 05, 2020 at 04:07PM

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