households - and fewer

I want to like this idea so badly - but I’m not sure it will work. It might add more confusion and scope to misuse it, than benefit. I think it has to be simpler and tighter if it’s to have a chance of working:
1 - make it ‘household’, rather than individuals (everyone in a household should technically have the same ‘Covid status’ anyway
2 - make it only 2 or maybe 3 allowed to combine. Tough decisions will have to be made eg grandparents and that will be easier if there are fewer choices. (Like inviting people to a wedding - it’s a bit less ‘insulting’ to not make it onto the guest list for a smaller wedding than being left out of a larger one 😉

Why the contribution is important

It increases likelihood of this approach working and reduces the number of options available to people - which although it’s counterintuitive, will be easier in the long run as there are (tough but) less decisions to make. I think fewer allowed contacts is easier to keep to / manage / police

by Macmommybear on May 06, 2020 at 08:01AM

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