How to wash you face? instructions

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If there are instructions on how to disinfect your face, without re-infecting from infected hands, they are well hidden. Here are mine, for when you have access to soap and water:

2 disinfect hands, using full Clinical Hand Washing procedure for 20 sec of soapy lather
- do not dry hands after rinsing
3 wet the face by splashing with minimal touching
4 repeat lather of hands with soap and water
5 apply lather to wet face, starting at nose then face, wiping outwards from nose and mouth
6 apply lather to everted lips and inside nostrils, breathing through mouth
- massage lather inside nostril from outside for 10 sec or until irritation
7 rinse off, again from nose outwards, and blowing lather out of nose
8 dry with towel and dispose as per hand-washing.

Why the contribution is important

Virus passes either from surface>hands>face> mouth/nose/eyes , or airborne>face etc.
But we all know DONT TOUCH YOUR FACE - tho it's very hard to do.

One of the arguments against face masks for the public is that they aggravate face touching.
(see proposal to prefer FACE SHIELDS).
Shields will protect against being super-infected by cough or sneeze

See proposal for EMERGENCY DISINFECTION, copied here:

When without access to soap and water, and with access to Alcohol Sanitiser Gel
2 disinfect hands, using full Clinical Hand Disinfection procedure with gel for 30s, and retain on hands
3 apply more gel starting at nose then face, wiping outwards from nose and mouth
4 apply gel to everted lips and inside nostrils, breathing through mouth
5 massage gel inside nostril from outside for 10sec or until irritation
6 DO NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE (even while gel dries out)

Emergency disinfection procedures should be displayed at every alcohol station.
A cough or sneeze should be treated with the same precision as a needlestick injury.

by colinbro99 on May 07, 2020 at 11:39AM

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