Imperative that schools remain closed for the foreseeable future

As an educator and parent, I am adamant that schools remain closed for the foreseeable future. This is essential for the physical and psychological wellbeing of pupils, parents and staff. Good quality online learning / educational packs should be made accessible for all pupils. The phased return of pupils could involve an element of choice for parents and could perhaps be linked to working practices and return to work requirements. We are still at a critical stage and there are many gaps in our knowledge. We cannot underestimate the level of risk that the premature reopening of schools will create for children, parents, professionals and vulnerable groups.

Why the contribution is important

For the physical and psychological wellbeing of parents and pupils.

by cdgilmour on May 05, 2020 at 07:29PM

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  • Posted by AngeMcL May 05, 2020 at 19:54

    I agree that it's too soon to open schools back up as kids will always gather together when they are on break / lunch and on way to and from school this cant be monitored so therefor it is more of a risk to reopen than to leave closed just not.
  • Posted by mikecon May 05, 2020 at 20:24

    Completely agree. The opening of school on a phased basis is a logistical nightmare . The timescale for this should be well in the future for 2 particular reasons -Safety for children, staff and parents . and to give sufficient time for all concerned to plan for and work out all of the logistics involved in a very complex proposal.
  • Posted by Afoggo May 05, 2020 at 20:45

    Education isn’t optional or a nice to have. Schools need to reopen, our children are suffering at home.
  • Posted by adnil May 05, 2020 at 20:59

    Agree, hygiene is terrible in my sons modern super school. Older year groups should able to online learn effectively
  • Posted by adnil May 05, 2020 at 21:02

    Consistent, equal remote nationwide provided learning will be fairer and safer for pupils and staff. Some schools will have absent staff due to ongoing shielding or self isolating with symptoms where pupils will miss large chunks of time especially in exams years,
  • Posted by ProtestTheHero May 05, 2020 at 21:57

    Amazed a parent suggested this, given the suffering every child I know is enduring through the absence of formal education and peer groups, in the name of a lockdown which has already met all the moving targets used to justify it (prevent ICU being overwhelmed, flatten the curve, buy the NHS time, lower rolling average death rate, reduce R number below 1, etc etc).
  • Posted by JWatsDoune May 05, 2020 at 22:04

    Completely agree.

    Schools are not babysitters; something which some parents seem to be unable to grasp.

    Increase guidance about online learning
  • Posted by DougO May 06, 2020 at 00:07

    Whilst I agree with the previous posts about schools remaining closed until a way to re-open them safely can be found it is not feasible for them to remain closed indefinitely. What percentage of the workforce will be unable to return to work until the schools re-open? My wife and I have no family support for pre/after school and that is before shielding is taken into account. We will not be the only parents in a that position. Thankfully our employers are flexible enough to let us manage drop off and pick up with variable start and finish times. How many people are fortunate enough to be in this position?

    I also worry about the mental health impact on my own children and others. My daughter is becoming anxious and withdrawn and we are unable to change this as we cannot answer her only question “when can I see my friends and teacher again?”. My son has difficulty with routine changes and has found lockdown extremely challenging, as much as the school can provide basic materials for us to facilitate learning we are not teachers. We are not home schooling our children, we are not creating lesson plans or preparing materials. There is a real risk the key age groups could forever be damaged by the confined lockdown. However the poor track record of the SNP when it comes to education suggests that re-opening schools will be low on their agenda.

    The situation is fast becoming a question of saving a generally older population who are not financially impacted by the current situation versus the long lasting impact and probably more financially draining mental health bill for the rest of the population.
  • Posted by lillega May 06, 2020 at 19:01

    I would agree with DougO's points above and disagree with the opening comments strongly. This is a matter for all those who care about education and the future of the country, which includes but is not limited to teachers. And for those who appreciate that all decisions are based on the balance of risk, not the complete removal of it.

    It is a fallacy to say that keeping schools closed does not have risks. They are both immediate and life long for the children concerned, who represent our future. We have a choice between certain long term damage to the next generation - their educational and professional achievement as well as their social development and mental health and the country as a whole and short term, albeit acute, pain.

    We need to be able to look them in the eye in twenty years time and say that what we did was for the best, for them and the country as a whole. I am not sure that we are in a position to do this.

    If the state provision of education in the lockdown approached the efforts in the independent sector, the argument might be different. As it is, the impact is to widen inequality further.
  • Posted by cherry May 08, 2020 at 22:39

    The longer schools stay closed and teachers are allowed to stay at home on full pay whilst vulnerable children suffer, the bigger the attainment gap. All children will suffer here, if the attainment gap is large then only those children who are in the bottom stream are taught in my experience in order for the headteachers to try and meet the political target of reducing the gap, so most children don't get an education at all. Teachers need to step up to the mark like all other public sectors are doing and stop staying at home looking after themselves or just teaching their own kids.
  • Posted by lw1710 May 09, 2020 at 11:14

    Teachers have stepped up to the mark. Schools were closed by the government as a response to COVID19. The teachers are not lazy nor work shy. They are still working. They are worried for the children they teach being placed in a dangerous situation by full reopening of schools - there needs to be a clear planned return to education and plans for the way schools will look /operate must prioritise health and wellbeing. Both the physical health of all and the mental health and Wellbeing of all.
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