Improve the design of PPE for front line NHS and Care Workers

There needs to be a rethink and redesign of the protective clothing provided to our front line workers who are dealing with every stage of COVID-19 treatment, to ensure that it is fully effective in use.

Current equipment relies on too many layers and appears "old style" and inadequate for the task in hand - to protect against a potentially fatal virus.

A modern "one piece" protective suit might help to make a difference - and we will be fighting COVID-19 for a while yet!

Any redesign should seek input from the front line users themselves.

Why the contribution is important

Current PPE is clearly not effective in protecting our front line NHS and Care workers from COVID-19.

by DRM on May 07, 2020 at 04:38PM

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Based on: 13 votes


  • Posted by Jward May 07, 2020 at 16:52

    Ensure if healthcare workers do have uniforms they can be washed at base and turned around quickly. But agree some new design of protective suit would be preferable as long as it was lightweight and comfortable.
  • Posted by AADAberdeen May 07, 2020 at 17:02

    A sensible suggestion - the provision of PPE is a disgrace especially the insistance of importing apparantly without quality control.

    Produce locally and know what you are getting!
    Even a small producer could supply their local Care Home or hospital and this provides work, helps people feel better and more part of a community.
  • Posted by Phoebe May 07, 2020 at 17:31

    Agreed, they should look at clothes worn by dairy men and vets. The aim is to use reusable PPE very similar (but not exactly the same) to those that they wear. I would not go for whole suits . Tops short sleeved and bottoms which can either overlap or be united with each other. Goggles and head gear should also be washable. Masks are the challenge. If someone can design a filter materiel that is cheap and replacable and replacable rubber joins one is home and dry. I have worked on dairy farms in Asia we had PPE for biosecurity against zoonoses, we had rubber hand gloves, (access to arm length protection with plastic long gloves ) face shields, disposable masks, water proof tops bottoms and boots. Disposable gloves and masks thrown away, face shields, tops bottoms boots cleaned daily. Hands cleaned and body showered on exit.
  • Posted by Scotbrite May 08, 2020 at 12:58

    Has the person who posted this idea read the current specifications for the medical PPE?
    A revision could then be proposed.
    Did the medical profession make any comments on the PPE when treating Ebola patients.
    The Turkish PPE did not meet the necessary standards but I'll bet the UK docs and nurses working in Africa never had UK spec PPE.

  • Posted by Pearl16 May 09, 2020 at 18:11

    Yes, this is a very sensible idea and an opportunity going forward to rethink the way the NHS has become over reliant on single use items (eg gowns). Manufacturers/researchers should be encouraged to find materials that can be safely cleaned/sterilised and reused. This would also have environmental benefits.
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