Incentives for companies promoting home working

Some companies are abusing the “key worker” status and trying to force people to come to work when they safely could work from home.

The government could consider offering an incentive to have workers still in employment and working from home if it is possible.

Why the contribution is important

Minimise interaction and therefore infection rates. Reduction in travel. Incentive for companies to promote home working rather than applying pressure to people to return to work places.

by jh24 on May 05, 2020 at 03:44PM

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  • Posted by Scotswede May 05, 2020 at 17:32


    A promotion of working from home practices is a good idea - not just for now, but long term.

    Even a mix of home working and office working practices could be beneficial not just for covid, but in the long run - reduces demand (and therefore ultimately cost) of office space, reduce road congestion at peak hours, opportunities for tech start ups, greater productive and allows flexibility for child/care commitments.

    Definitely promote home working long term - review local planning/council rules relating to this so fit for purpose and non discriminatory
  • Posted by borisj May 06, 2020 at 12:24

    Yes, home working is convenient, productive, cuts carbon emissions (no commuting) , reduces congestion on roads and public transport, reduces the company's office requirements, electricity bill and water bill (fewer toilet flushes). Reduces travel costs on employee.

    All us office types should be doing it all the time, not just during a pandemic.
  • Posted by alisond May 07, 2020 at 15:25

    Home working is likely to be part of solution. Need to think also though about long term quality of life issues and productivity issues around that. I know some people cope well with home and are productive from there. For others quite the reverse. Employers should not be refusing reasonable requests to work from home but I don't think people should have to work from home indefinitely if it's going to negatively effect ability to get work done, quality of work and mental health at work over time.
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