Increase in public transport
Increase in bus frequency to ensure buses are less crowded and social distancing can be enforced as far as is reasonably practical.
Buses should supply disposable face masks and all passengers should be obliged to wear one for the duration of their journey. Disposal should be done off the bus.
Passengers should remain seated until buses come to a stop to prevent people crowding in aisles and holding the handrails unnecessarily.
All seats that are within 2 to 3 metres of the driver and front door should be removed to ensure safe distancing for driver and passengers embarking and disembarking the bus.
Cashless ticketing systems should be in place to protect the driver from unnecessary contact.
Newspapers, leaflets etc should be removed.
Windows should remain open to encourage good air circulation.
Consideration around frequency of cleaning, for example; should this be after each completed journey at a terminus; or after a set period of service hours?
Consideration of subsidy or relief rate for providers to ensure the increased cost is not offset against poorer working conditions for the driver (or support staff) or against increased fares for the passenger.
Buses should supply disposable face masks and all passengers should be obliged to wear one for the duration of their journey. Disposal should be done off the bus.
Passengers should remain seated until buses come to a stop to prevent people crowding in aisles and holding the handrails unnecessarily.
All seats that are within 2 to 3 metres of the driver and front door should be removed to ensure safe distancing for driver and passengers embarking and disembarking the bus.
Cashless ticketing systems should be in place to protect the driver from unnecessary contact.
Newspapers, leaflets etc should be removed.
Windows should remain open to encourage good air circulation.
Consideration around frequency of cleaning, for example; should this be after each completed journey at a terminus; or after a set period of service hours?
Consideration of subsidy or relief rate for providers to ensure the increased cost is not offset against poorer working conditions for the driver (or support staff) or against increased fares for the passenger.
Why the contribution is important
As we all return to work, the chances of catching and spreading the virus are increased if public transport is over crowded.
Strict controls should be in place ensure public confidence in using buses and other forms of public transport.
Increasing the frequency would have an impact on air quality however this would be offset in some way by the reduction in private car usage if confidence in public transport is increased.
Strict controls should be in place ensure public confidence in using buses and other forms of public transport.
Increasing the frequency would have an impact on air quality however this would be offset in some way by the reduction in private car usage if confidence in public transport is increased.
by Rjdoc01 on May 10, 2020 at 08:59PM
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