Industry sectors-when re-opening

Small point but tattoo and piercing studio operatives are also trained in handling infectious diseases, correct use of ppe, cross contamination and of course have strict hygiene practices. As an industry we would welcome any extra measures required. Given that the class use of the property registered with the local authorities, is the same as that of a dentist. When the time comes for relaxing measures and getting businesses back open, these businesses really shouldn’t be grouped in with barbers, hairdressers and beauticians. Perhaps consider re opening businesses based on their operational procedures and ability to safely operate, instead of its perceived necessity to the public.

Why the contribution is important

It’s not a major concern for the majority of the population, however for business owners and operatives in this sector it is their livelihood and we should consider the importance of stimulating the economy while working as safely as possible.

by Silveralchemy83 on May 05, 2020 at 09:36PM

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  • Posted by stevenmorrison May 07, 2020 at 14:49

    Totally agree by the nature of the business this profession works to a very standard of hygiene, and with the correct PPE, I suggest visor, mask, disposable apron and surgical gloves there is no reason these premises could not get opened in the early phases. I would also suggest the local environmental department should be monitoring them.
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