Introduction of a permanent prepaid/top-up card managed by the new Scottish National Investment Bank

The Bank would issue volunteers top-up cards and manage the top up deposits.
This seems to fit the delivery of 'social returns', which is one of the bank's remit including "the potential to transform Scotland’s society by powering innovation and . . .. . inclusive economy."

Why the contribution is important

A top up card run centrally by the Investment Bank would ensure that one of the essential parts of a resilience support service (shopping) was always available and, in addition, the card could be used as a permanent social inclusion tool to help people who can't afford to buy food (in our resilience support service we came across such case when asked to deliver shopping to someone who couldn't pay) or as emergency funding for energy payments - or be used to support many other Government initiatives created to mitigate social inequalities (even making use of existing funds for those purposes)

I think we could easily have a permanent community based resilience support service for the whole of Scotland to immediately come into action whenever there was a need (automation would make this relatively cheap to run).

by pquadros on May 10, 2020 at 04:01PM

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