Invest in safe cycling on rural trunk roads

It should be made safer and easier to cycle (I.e avoid public transport) to centres of employment from rural areas. Cycling along busy rural trunk roads is dangerous. There are very limited cycle paths.

Why the contribution is important

Reducing demand on pubic transport will make it safer for those who have to use it. Moving those people into cars will congest the roads and ruin the environment. We should invest in cycle paths in rural trunk roads so there is a safe and clean alternative to busy coaches and busses.

by Omalley on May 08, 2020 at 10:22AM

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Based on: 15 votes


  • Posted by Daisiechain May 08, 2020 at 11:11

    I so agree and although this would be a longer term plan , I think our whole infrastructure to include road planning , should involve including cycle routes. I would cycle to work if I was able but would be afraid to negotiate the busy roads through Glasgow. I am more confident on the quieter roads now but even with lockdown, cars can go dangerously fast and close. When construction gets going, include design to include cyclists !
  • Posted by slimbofat May 08, 2020 at 11:15

    Great Idea!
  • Posted by NoIdeology May 08, 2020 at 11:53

    Agree with all comments here but there is an urgent need for regulation of cycling. Pedestrians are hugely compromised in their efforts to maintain distance by careless cyclists who travel far to close, and in many instances in spaces usually reserved for pedestrians. We live in a semi-rural location and find it almost impossible to walk safely because of intrusive cyclists (and mad joggers huffing and puffing directly behind us). Perhaps a timetable for different groups to participate in outdoor activities, with real sanctions for breaking these constraints?
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