Investigation and Force Closure in non-essential businesses such as coffee shops
Force closure on non-essential businesses such as coffee shops, except for those within hospitals or front line workers buildings.
Also, investigate those businesses remaining open that are accessing government grants and furlough schemes. Hold them accountable for this fraud as well as risking the lives of their staff.
Also, investigate those businesses remaining open that are accessing government grants and furlough schemes. Hold them accountable for this fraud as well as risking the lives of their staff.
Why the contribution is important
The government help has been provided for those that pay UK tax, follow the government guidelines and is critical to help maintain the economy once lockdown is lifted. Businesses remaining open not only take advantage of this scheme, line their own pockets, put their staff at risk but are also removing the hard work members of the public and the Scottish government have done this far.
Coffee shops are not essential, the only argument I have seen to support them being open that could be counted as valid is that they provide a service for front line workers. Therefore, having these services open within hospitals or cafeterias within front line buildings would be a good compromise.
Coffee shops are not essential, the only argument I have seen to support them being open that could be counted as valid is that they provide a service for front line workers. Therefore, having these services open within hospitals or cafeterias within front line buildings would be a good compromise.
by emmarussell on May 06, 2020 at 01:06PM
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