Irresponsible Dog Walkers / Walking in direction of car traffic

Each week and indeed every week and on more than one occassion I have observed dog walkers who have let their dogs off lead on golf courses etc have to go and separate them in VERY close proximity - often involving 3 dogs /3 adults .
Why is it not mandatory to keep dogs on leads ?
Do we care more about dog exercise than the risk to human life ?
Not a big ask - surely !

It would be sensible to "request " that those exercising by walking on roads followed the highway code guidance of walking on the side of the road facing the direction of traffic flow . NOT a big ask but sensible and adding to safety !
Much easier to "overtake " when you can see oncoming traffic - and minimises meeting those coming in the opposite direction . Surely a reinforcement of common sense !

Why the contribution is important

Reduces human interaction and reduces risk of accidents on roads .

by whydontyoulikemyusernamedontyouwantmyinput on May 06, 2020 at 08:04PM

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  • Posted by JustANumber May 10, 2020 at 14:48

    Ownership of dogs in an urban environment should be discouraged. Over the years I've been intimidated by dog owners, dogs are used as weapons and a means of threatening people. Personally I don't like going to public parks on account of people with dogs thier lovely dogs. Public parks are for people not dogs. I appreciate some people need dog for assisted living and company, maybe older folks can be excused, but mum dad & 3 dogs & 3 kids - some kind of reset button is required if you feel the need to live in a city.
  • Posted by JohnED May 11, 2020 at 21:38

    Encouraging responsible behaviour of dog owners is welcome. However it is unfair on those owners and dogs who are being responsible to have their freedom restricted, when out on walks in parks and open areas.
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