Keep Dogs on Leads

A law ought to be passed with immediate effect to make it compulsory for all dogs, with the exception of genuine working dogs on farms or shooting estates, to be kept on leads at all times when away from their home on walks, etc. At the very least, the Scottish Government could reaffirm their previous advice and make it clear to the public that the Police will enforce this advice.

Why the contribution is important

This suggestion is made because my wife has been jumped up at by loose dogs on each the previous two days. Initially, people were generally observing the advice to keep dogs on leads or under control, but recently more and more people are ignoring that advice. So much so that one woman shouted abuse to us and another walker after being asked to put her three loose dogs on leads. One of these dogs repeatedly jumped at us and the owner just ignored it.

by amw on May 10, 2020 at 02:29PM

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  • Posted by cbellat May 10, 2020 at 14:37

    Responsible ownership should be enforced...not by the pink fluffy brigade.
    On farmed land..dogs should be on leads, or at least under reasonable control.
  • Posted by cbellat May 10, 2020 at 14:39

    This is not a covid response issue though!
  • Posted by amw May 10, 2020 at 14:54

    It is very much a Covid issue. It is not yet clear whether animals can pass the virus between human's, therefore contact needs to be controlled.
  • Posted by Valkyrie May 10, 2020 at 14:59

    This is important for the maintenance of social distancing. I frequently come across people who are allowing their dogs to jump up at others or whose dogs are blocking the path so that it is impossible to get by without getting too close. If dogs are on leads the owners can ensure that they stay to the side of the path.
  • Posted by Frannie May 10, 2020 at 15:31

    In the media it was said that dogs and cats can carry the virus - so better safe than sorry. And to be honest I never want a dog jumping at me... the owners need educating.
  • Posted by mina412 May 10, 2020 at 15:46

    I do agree that dogs should be kept on leads at all times and yes it should be made law. The current law states it is the responsibility of the dog owner to keep their pet under control. When I have been out for my daily walk, I cannot count the amount of times dogs have come running up to me while owners either do nothing, or have no control over their pet. I understand people have to exercise their dogs, who are part of their family. However, while we do not know for certain whether Covid-19 can be passed between animals and humans. I think it best that dogs are kept on a leash at all times whilst outside. It also has to be considered incase the dog bites someone, which has certainly happened in my area. The other issue that needs investigating/regulated is dog fouling and personally, I think all dogs should be micro-chipped thus being identifiable if something happens.
  • Posted by wisteria May 10, 2020 at 16:38

    Completely agree that all dogs should be microchipped
  • Posted by huntlyquine May 10, 2020 at 17:15

    Agreed that all dogs should be on leads when on walks to stop them jumping up on other people and also to prevent them endangering ground nesting birds and sheep
  • Posted by cbellat May 10, 2020 at 17:41

    A blanket ban of off lead walking discriminates against responsible owners. A license is needed with proper education and training for dog owners.
  • Posted by hannah_smith May 10, 2020 at 19:41

    Agreed. I am a part-time unpaid carer for an autistic adult terrified of dogs. Along with the potential contamination risk - the volume of dogs not on leads make outdoor exercise extremely challenging.
  • Posted by amw May 10, 2020 at 21:25

    How does one determine whether the dog owner ahead is responsible? If a dog just happens to run ahead and 'misbehave', then it is too late for the owner to stop it. If all dogs are required by law to be kept on leads, then there would be no uncertainty and it would be clearer to enforce. In general, as a common courtesy, dogs ought to be kept at heel on a short lead when other walkers are approaching.
  • Posted by RuthSR May 10, 2020 at 22:12

    I agree that dogs should be kept on leads.
  • Posted by Balderdash May 11, 2020 at 18:30

    Agree, dogs running causes owners to forget about social distancing as they come up to you to retrieve their dogs. Also dogs off leads tend to congregate with other dogs and their owners then all stand around ignoring social distancing.
  • Posted by JohnED May 11, 2020 at 21:36

    Encouraging responsible behaviour of dog owners is welcome. However it is unfair on those owners and dogs who are being responsible to have their freedom restricted, when out on walks in parks and open areas.
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