Large events

Allow them to proceed as they are relatively low risk.

Why the contribution is important

Before the lockdown, the first minister said that large events were relatively low risk and these would only be stopped to ease the pressure off emergency services. There is no new evidence to suggest that large events pose any more risk to the public, if one person can only affect a max of three people.

Further to this, if the purpose is to ease pressure off the NHS, then why have DIY shops been among the first shops allowed to reopen, accidents from DIY are one of the biggest burdens in the NHS, 16'000 people in the UK die from injuries, a further 4'000 die from falls, many more thousands are injured. The arguments from the government don't make sense.

by Ericdmc85 on May 06, 2020 at 07:36AM

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  • Posted by Jillb May 07, 2020 at 12:29

    I agree, the pressure on the NHS statement does not apply to most events. The NHS do not cover these events by way of Ambulances, Paramedics etc, these services are covered by private ambulance providers. Yes accidents can happen, but I agree with the point above, DIY, new cyclists on the roads, Joe Wicks PE probably causing more trips to A&E than event traffic would.
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