Last two weeks of lockdown
Lockdown has been extended for three weeks - the last few weeks have been a farce with a blatant disregard for the advice given with roads busier than ever and people behaving with a holiday mentality.
Unless the second two weeks to the end of May are policed properly( people publically made an example of) they will have little or no effect and will not reduce the R rate. - The police have been told by their Cheif Constables NOT to give out tickets unless extreme circumstances - police told us this, Policing must be stricter and more publicised to make people think twice - or a complete waste of time.
Second suggestion is to deal with ALL.covid cases at the purpose built hospital wherever possible to reduce or remove the threat from mainstream hospitals and therefore allow normal appointments to resume- I understand it is empty after 43m spent ? . My friends who are DRs NOT on the Covid response are standing around empty wards whilst patients are ill or dying at home- they are furious . This must be better managed.
Idea 3 - Schooling - social distancing is an impossibility so masks for all pupils and teachers hand sanitizer mandatory after each lesson on leaving and entering classroom and two points of crucial air flow in class and a mobile air purifier in each room. These actions will greatly reduce the spread though not eradicate it. Part time school is an impossibility for public to manage with work and lack of access to senior members of family.
Schools to resume after school holidays. Optional for vulnerable children with health issues to continue home school till following term.
Idea 4 - Voluntary ongoing shielding programme for over 70s or those with serious health issues. Give people the choice to sign up to this ! Make it available to all and those who have serious health issues or concerns will come forward and sign up. They should be offered preferential food delivery and financial support if application accepted.
Idea 5 - construction industry
Companies who employ more than 20 personnel on any given site to provide mandatory temperature checks and back to work testing also for sub contractors coming to site.The construction industry is a massive threat due to shared welfare facilities and lack of hygiene and cleanliness. You also work in pairs, so masks should be mandatory. Lunch to be eaten outside or in personal vehicle. HSE needs adjusted to include Covid-19 as an assesable risk.
Idea 6 - masks mandatory in public spaces - shops - and hand sanitizer on entry and exit - no entry without these two measures . Countries like Malaysia have kept the spead down dramatically through these measures.
Idea7 - public transport- masks and sanitizer and reduce capacity by 1/3
Idea 8 - all gatherings over 15 banned until 2021 as scientists and Drs expecting a resurgence of Covid come winter.
My sister lives in Oman - they have poverty and over crowding yet only 10 deaths because lockdown was enforced by the army and police. The level of movement allowed in the UK and in particular Scotland has been rediculous.
Shut us dow strictly for the last two weeks.
Unless the second two weeks to the end of May are policed properly( people publically made an example of) they will have little or no effect and will not reduce the R rate. - The police have been told by their Cheif Constables NOT to give out tickets unless extreme circumstances - police told us this, Policing must be stricter and more publicised to make people think twice - or a complete waste of time.
Second suggestion is to deal with ALL.covid cases at the purpose built hospital wherever possible to reduce or remove the threat from mainstream hospitals and therefore allow normal appointments to resume- I understand it is empty after 43m spent ? . My friends who are DRs NOT on the Covid response are standing around empty wards whilst patients are ill or dying at home- they are furious . This must be better managed.
Idea 3 - Schooling - social distancing is an impossibility so masks for all pupils and teachers hand sanitizer mandatory after each lesson on leaving and entering classroom and two points of crucial air flow in class and a mobile air purifier in each room. These actions will greatly reduce the spread though not eradicate it. Part time school is an impossibility for public to manage with work and lack of access to senior members of family.
Schools to resume after school holidays. Optional for vulnerable children with health issues to continue home school till following term.
Idea 4 - Voluntary ongoing shielding programme for over 70s or those with serious health issues. Give people the choice to sign up to this ! Make it available to all and those who have serious health issues or concerns will come forward and sign up. They should be offered preferential food delivery and financial support if application accepted.
Idea 5 - construction industry
Companies who employ more than 20 personnel on any given site to provide mandatory temperature checks and back to work testing also for sub contractors coming to site.The construction industry is a massive threat due to shared welfare facilities and lack of hygiene and cleanliness. You also work in pairs, so masks should be mandatory. Lunch to be eaten outside or in personal vehicle. HSE needs adjusted to include Covid-19 as an assesable risk.
Idea 6 - masks mandatory in public spaces - shops - and hand sanitizer on entry and exit - no entry without these two measures . Countries like Malaysia have kept the spead down dramatically through these measures.
Idea7 - public transport- masks and sanitizer and reduce capacity by 1/3
Idea 8 - all gatherings over 15 banned until 2021 as scientists and Drs expecting a resurgence of Covid come winter.
My sister lives in Oman - they have poverty and over crowding yet only 10 deaths because lockdown was enforced by the army and police. The level of movement allowed in the UK and in particular Scotland has been rediculous.
Shut us dow strictly for the last two weeks.
Why the contribution is important
We need to learn from countries that have been far more successful than us in containing the outbreak. There has been too much political posturing and not enough action
by Shumphries on May 10, 2020 at 08:01AM
Posted by ProudBIL May 10, 2020 at 09:14
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Posted by LeslieSinclair May 10, 2020 at 09:31
Anecdote and value judgement are not evidence.
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