Leave house more often

To be able to leave the house more often for walks and exercise maybe twice a day rather than once.
Also be able to see friends or family in own house or garden as long as no symptoms would really help.

Why the contribution is important

With a little more freedom to socialise and get outside people are mor elikely to stick with it and would help people's mental health especially those who live alone with no garden.

by K0612 on May 06, 2020 at 07:37AM

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  • Posted by waxwing May 09, 2020 at 10:00

    This is already allowed! Unfortunately some public figures have been misleading us about this, but if you look at the list of 'reasonable excuses' in the regulations, you'll see it says "to take exercise, either alone or with other members of their household". There is no mention of the duration or number of times.

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