From what we have seen with Britain having the highest rates in Europe and only second behind the USA in total numbers, we have to learn the lessons of not going in a lockdown scenario sooner. Therefore coming out of the lockdown will be more damaging in the long term as the risk of a second or 3rd wave of the virus would be far higher.
The lockdown should be extended till the end of June, so that the ‘R’ value has the best chance to come down, therefore reducing the risk of any further lockdowns in the future. If we reduce measures then before then people will naturally become more relaxed about the measures in place and the risk of further lockdowns would be inevitable. If the ‘R’ value is brought down to 0.1 or lower then it would be fair to say that we have beaten this, any higher would risk further infection and further lockdown.
If we start to ease lockdown at the end of May then we are half heartedly beating this and not giving everybody the best chance to come out of this and resume normal life quicker.
Short term pain for long term gain.
If we lockdown till end of June then and the ‘R’ value is down at 0.1 or lower then we can basically resume normal life instead of prolonged agony of semi lockdown, social distancing for the rest of the year! For an extra 4-5 weeks of full lockdown is better than having another 5-6 months of a semi life that’s actually just rubbish. Children not getting the education they deserve because they are not at school as they should be, work places like the hospitality industries not being able to operate as they should.
If we come out of lockdown end of May in stages we are just prolonging the agony of not being able to go to the pub, restaurant, work place, playing football with your friends or playing any sport with your friends.
The lockdown should be extended till the end of June, so that the ‘R’ value has the best chance to come down, therefore reducing the risk of any further lockdowns in the future. If we reduce measures then before then people will naturally become more relaxed about the measures in place and the risk of further lockdowns would be inevitable. If the ‘R’ value is brought down to 0.1 or lower then it would be fair to say that we have beaten this, any higher would risk further infection and further lockdown.
If we start to ease lockdown at the end of May then we are half heartedly beating this and not giving everybody the best chance to come out of this and resume normal life quicker.
Short term pain for long term gain.
If we lockdown till end of June then and the ‘R’ value is down at 0.1 or lower then we can basically resume normal life instead of prolonged agony of semi lockdown, social distancing for the rest of the year! For an extra 4-5 weeks of full lockdown is better than having another 5-6 months of a semi life that’s actually just rubbish. Children not getting the education they deserve because they are not at school as they should be, work places like the hospitality industries not being able to operate as they should.
If we come out of lockdown end of May in stages we are just prolonging the agony of not being able to go to the pub, restaurant, work place, playing football with your friends or playing any sport with your friends.
Why the contribution is important
This idea is important because it’s the simplest and most effective way to beat this situation. Common sense should prevail and rushing back would in the long run just extend this period instead of beating this period and returning to a normal life.
If we didn’t do this it would be like getting a prescription for antibiotics from your doctor and only taking half the course prescribed instead of the full course. The chance that you’ll be back at the doctors for another course of antibiotics would be inevitable. Just think about it!!!
If we didn’t do this it would be like getting a prescription for antibiotics from your doctor and only taking half the course prescribed instead of the full course. The chance that you’ll be back at the doctors for another course of antibiotics would be inevitable. Just think about it!!!
by Rabg on May 06, 2020 at 11:52AM
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