Let schools still be schools

I think it is putting way too much pressure on kids to expect them to socially distance in schools. It will just end up with a lot of stress and anxiety for kids and teachers and be virtually impossible to be effective anyway. Measures need to be in place for frequent hand washing, lines of sinks on the wall not just sharing two sinks in toilets between large number of kids. Also ensuring children who are symptomatic stay at home.
For all ages we cannot ignore how vital social and emotional experiences are in schools, for children learning together and playing together. Do not let us loose this crucial part of our children's lives.

Why the contribution is important

Do not open schools untill August but when they do open let's protect our children from the anxiety of unrealistic social distancing.

by heather22 on May 09, 2020 at 01:48PM

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  • Posted by seileasdar May 09, 2020 at 14:34

    School will also be a valuable learning location for adhering to social distancing and this, for a while, becoming an accepted behaviour - to save lives and not turn pupils into super spreaders.
  • Posted by cdgilmour May 09, 2020 at 16:18

    The school environment is a place of torment and heartache for a significant number of children who are bullied on a daily basis. This coupled with the effects of stressful and worried teachers and their own realisation of the existence of a deadly virus which they may succumb to or pass on to their loved ones could be detrimental to a child’s physical, emotional and psychological health. Children are able to meet up on zoom, FaceTime, Skype etc Stay safe and make use of the technology which is available. One life and one future, don’t force children to put their lives at risk.
  • Posted by Applepie May 10, 2020 at 12:38

    Children are not currently able to meet up on these technologies. Some schools are following the Education Scotland guidance and NOT allowing kids to meet on any platform. Glow functionality is useless for this. Sort out online classes and we don't need to rush back to disorganised chaos in our schools. Get hliw working or let schools use other platforms with parents carrying and risk that Education Scotland appears to see.
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