Limited household interconnections

Once R=>1 for a determined safe period, let low risk households choose at least one other household in the local region (less than hours drive?) with which they can travel to and from freely without apprehension, on the basis that those involved all isolate should any member show symptoms as if they were sharing a household.

Why the contribution is important

Those who are not isolated with family or partners, as well as those who are, would suffer less anxiety and enjoy the freedom of a degree of return to normality, without compromising the health of the population, assuming all parties travel direct to other households and where all members are low risk.

by Saganist on May 08, 2020 at 03:34PM

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Based on: 15 votes


  • Posted by narcissus May 08, 2020 at 15:41

    This could be feasible IF responsible adults ensure this is only for close family members and limit the number to 10 and only for a maximum of 1 hour to start with. This can be increased as and when medical experts are sure disease is waning.
  • Posted by EFULTON2 May 08, 2020 at 16:09

    Important to restart meet up of grandparents with family. Very young children in particular are not understanding why the strong connection they had with grandparents have suddenly disappeared. Video calls certainly not an alternative for children under 2 as a form of communicating. Once everything up and running again and parents back to work the relationship of grandchild and grandparent needs to be established prior
  • Posted by AnnaB May 08, 2020 at 16:34

    I believe it is very important to be able to extend your 'bubble' when you live in a one person household. Not being able to be physical ( hugs, having dinner together.... normal things) with another human being for now almost 8 weeks is a real challenge, even for the most positive of us. I don't think there should be a restriction on the distance traveled, as long it is from one household directly to the other. Not everyone is as lucky to have their partners, family and friends just living down the road. Family structures are a very complex thing, I feel it is important to be as flexible as possible with using this term, as there are actually people living in Scotland which have no family in this country ( immigrants like me )and their friends are their family here in Scotland.
  • Posted by tricialennon May 08, 2020 at 16:39

    Essential for any sense of normal and for well-being. Has to be amongst early steps.
  • Posted by Stephanie May 08, 2020 at 17:48

    I agree with much of the above - family contact is essential but could be limited to direct travel to a predetermined destination. This should not be restricted within a local area, but certainly within Scotland. In particular grandparents must be enabled to visit or be visited, at home only, (by) their grandchildren. These relationships are critical for the well-being of both parties, especially for young children who may feel bereft of key adults in their lives.
  • Posted by aileenr May 08, 2020 at 19:11

    I feel it is very important for close family members to be able to meet up again to support each other through this time. My daughter had a baby at the start of lockdown and now at 7 weeks old she has had no contact with anyone apart from mum and dad. They have had no support in any way from anyone. I feel for mental health and well-being most folk need their family around them and would be sensible and cautious about this
  • Posted by archiemcbeastie May 08, 2020 at 20:03

    I agree wholeheartedly with what you say. It’s time for some proper family contact to start again. It should not be limited to contact in Scotland only. Those of us with children and grandchildren close to home and further away in the UK should not have to leave one element out because they don’t reside in Scotland.
  • Posted by Shannonxo May 09, 2020 at 10:54

    Absolutely agree. At the end of the day people are already jumping in their car and driving to their family and friends so if we make it allowed that we can visit at least one other household within an hour's drive then surely that actually prevents the rules from being flouted and also let's us return to a small percentage of normality.
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