Limiting Train Travel

You could insist all travel by train is pre ticketed thus controlling access and occupancy of this form of transport and removing the issue of over crowding and help ease social distancing.

Why the contribution is important

I believe this will help remove bottlenecks and putting lives of those travelling potentially in danger.

by BBS on May 08, 2020 at 01:54PM

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Based on: 2 votes


  • Posted by mariekilmarnock May 08, 2020 at 14:13

    Train travel definitely needs to be carefully monitored and extreme caution implemented in any and every train that runs. We have to think of all the staff needed to work to keep trains running and their health.
  • Posted by LauraMac May 08, 2020 at 20:21

    Not practical - Scotrail has a poor record of delays and cancellations, so what happens if you're booked on one train and it's cancelled? You're denied travel because you haven't booked? Compulsory bookings may work better on long-distance trains which are more likely to be planned journeys (e.g. as in some European countries like Spain which have a reliable train service), but completely useless for commuter trains in the event of unforeseen circumstances, and a pre-booking only policy discriminates against non-drivers who rely on public transport and creates a problem if someone needs to make a journey in an emergency. Of course, Scotrail also has a very poor record on overcrowding in general, but that's a different topic.
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