Living Alone In a New City

I moved to Aberdeen from Dundee in July for work and occupy a flat alone. Naturally I have experienced some loneliness since 23 March and the continued frustration of not knowing when I will be able to see anyone in-person again grows by the day. My concern however is that even once some restrictions are lifted, travel of any great distance is likely to come later. Where does this leave me with my immediate friends/family support network which is predominantly in Dundee? I am a driver so any travel would be private so will the Government consider this kind of exemption when allowing visits between households again?

Why the contribution is important

Continued isolation could begin to have a detrimental impact on my mental health. I am sure there are others in similar circumstances and some who may be suffering from much poorer mental health than myself.

by GaryRo88 on May 08, 2020 at 05:51PM

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  • Posted by glee67 May 08, 2020 at 19:48

    Agree with this. The uncertainty is the worst, and coupled with loneliness makes for a very poor state of mental health. Provisions should be put in place to see family and friends who live further away.
  • Posted by jennyw May 08, 2020 at 20:10

    It must be dire for people trapped on their own and it would make them vulnerable. We all wonder how family and friends are coping and what the future will bring. Therefore it's important to relax restrictions for people in Gary's situation asap. This lockdown is alien to us but necessary, however restrictions need to be tailored to the area and mode of transport. Travelling on a public bus or train should not be compared to travel in a private car. I feel for people like Gary.
  • Posted by Rachel_T1502 May 08, 2020 at 22:18

    I agree it is essential for mental health for people to be able to engage with their support networks face to face
  • Posted by harshtruth May 09, 2020 at 20:56

    This comment has been removed by a moderator.

  • Posted by harshtruth May 10, 2020 at 00:26

    I tried to give you a hopeful message but the moderators wouldn't allow it. Uhm yeah.
    >Continued isolation could begin to have a detrimental impact on my mental health. I am sure there are others in similar circumstances and some who may be suffering from much poorer mental health than myself.
    What can I say that the jannies will approve of?
    They seem to be going all out today.
  • Posted by JustANumber May 10, 2020 at 11:00

    Similar situation - last 10weeks I've been looking after mum in england. Getting really anxious over the condition of my home and accumulating mail etc.
  • Posted by as1 May 11, 2020 at 19:30

    Agree with this. We need to help those living alone to avoid complete isolation, and some people may not have any family living locally.
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