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Still too early to ease restrictions. Feel like the Scottish government will be putting our lives at risk it’s still too early we still have high numbers of deaths. Almost feel like the government have built all the big hospitals so they can now go for their heard immunity concept without overwhelming the NHS. New Zealand our their people first. Keep people as they are, until we see a massive change in the amount of deaths there are still over 600 people dying a day in the UK. There’s no restrictions on travel! Quarantine everyone coming into the country for 14 days and let the virus die out. This country have put the economy first. What’s better? A good economy but loads of death or no death and slightly worse of people? Money isn’t everything. Life is.

Why the contribution is important

It saves lives and protects the NHS. Lives before money. Simple as that

by lynne_taylor85 on May 07, 2020 at 08:27AM

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