Lockdown not Working Now

Lockdown does not seem to be working. Too many people out for non essential reasons, especially frequent shopping. This could be minimised by allocating one day per week by Post Code.
Cyclists are also going further and faster and along with joggers are not willing to give any space. The weekend was really busy.
Policing needs to be stronger. Shops like B & Q and takeaway coffee shops are not essential. Hardware shops should only be opened for emergency plumbing or electrical. Decorating is not essential.
If we want to eradicate this virus asap, rules need to be tightened and applied for all our sakes and to stop this going on long term. A quick burst of further lockdown with only activity being emergency services, say a week and see if that makes a huge difference to rates of infection. Encourage people to have enough food for a week.
If that works then suggest that people can exercise more than once a day, that parks can be opened if social distancing adhered to and policing enforced. If no spike in virus, gradual further relaxation

Why the contribution is important

Save lives and return to near normal asap. Stop this going on long term.

by Jedmum on May 06, 2020 at 11:01AM

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  • Posted by lmg1612 May 06, 2020 at 13:08

    This virus is going nowhere, until a vaccine is found. I know there is no one size fits all solution, but we do not live in a police state. Some are happy to use B&Q et al, some are not. Personal choice. We have to live with this virus, unfortunately
  • Posted by lmg1612 May 06, 2020 at 13:10

    And in addition, please don't judge other people's actions. You have no idea whats going on their lives
  • Posted by Biba May 09, 2020 at 19:53

    Where I live since Easter it's been getting busier and busier every day. More traffic, more people out and about and less people maintaining social distancing in my experience anyway. If lockdown rules haven't changed any why is this? I know people are getting fed up but as the FM made it clear this really is a life and death situation.
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