Lockdown - slow removal but removal nonetheless
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Small businesses need to start opening or they will not survive. They can open up but like in big stores only allow touch card payments and much lower visitors in the stop at any one time. All people should be wearing masks - this is for the sake of the staff of the shop. The door handle will be open and closed so maybe cleaning appliances by guests of the shop who wish to use it at the door. Only businesses that can prove it can allow special awareness for staff are able to open fully. This will be hard and some business will unfortunately flout this rule. Allowance for those who can work from home still MUST DO SO to help pressure.
Why the contribution is important
People are starting to move about and open up regardless of the lockdown. if given the opportunity and permission to open up they may do this but more carefully.
by Lbarron on May 07, 2020 at 10:06AM
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