Look at schools abroad carefully
I am a teacher in abroad and our schools will open soon. However, there will not be school as we know it.
Schools are open but the children who would like to come can only come for 50% of the school
week. The majority of parents do not want to send their children back.
The teachers will continue to set the all work online and the children who attend school will be required to bring this work to school.
The children will isolated in rooms in small groups with an adult. These children will not be with their teacher and friends. They will have different breaks with different arrival and departure times. This also means sitting in the same room and sit on the same chair all day including lunch at their desk.
Parents could be asked to sign a disclaimer.
I’d like you to think about what teachers and wider staff in Scotland can actually do to stop children getting out of their seats and maintaining social distancing...
Schools are open but the children who would like to come can only come for 50% of the school
week. The majority of parents do not want to send their children back.
The teachers will continue to set the all work online and the children who attend school will be required to bring this work to school.
The children will isolated in rooms in small groups with an adult. These children will not be with their teacher and friends. They will have different breaks with different arrival and departure times. This also means sitting in the same room and sit on the same chair all day including lunch at their desk.
Parents could be asked to sign a disclaimer.
I’d like you to think about what teachers and wider staff in Scotland can actually do to stop children getting out of their seats and maintaining social distancing...
Why the contribution is important
I have experience of this and would Scotland to consider the outcome of opening schools.
by Lookatcountriesabroad on May 10, 2020 at 10:11PM
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