look to New Zealand rules for coming out of Lockdown

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New Zealand have acted decisively throughout this pandemic. The Scottish government needs to scrutinise all the coming out of lockdown Guidance the NZ government has already prepared which gives precise and concise information. Using a level indicator for starters. Assuming we are in a level 4 arrangement now what minor tweaks can we make to take us to Level 3. Concise information will hep the Scottish population understand what is required of them while having a route to a new normal will give confidence that we will return to normal as we eliminate the virus.

Each sector of our economy will be making presentations to the SG but we need good governance on how we can return to business.

I have heard some good news story this week re the growth of the whisky industry who have adapted and increased production and we need to look at this industry for guidance.

Construction, especially social housing and infrastructure projects will help our economy move forward and this is a sector which needs its own set of out of lockdown instructions.

Of course the above needs to happen with a test, track, isolate policy and the use of university graduates without jobs could haste this process

Why the contribution is important

We (UK) sat back and watched the pandemic emerge in Italy and China and we did not use this time to prepare and we now need to take this time to learn from others. Admit that we are following the Danish example and shout out if we follow an example and it doesn’t work out.

There are tough decisions to make in the next few weeks and I hope the SG can communicate these decisions well, as they have done to date

by Dawnlc14 on May 07, 2020 at 02:24PM

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