Low density public transport

For many elderly and vulnerable people public transport is an essential, enabled by our welcome concensionary travel, but they will be reluctant to start reusing it and increase their risk. Even for those of us lucky enough to have the option of a car, I am reluctant to go back to using it constantly particularly in town increasing the polution and coping with the difficulties of conjestion and costs of parking,
Could consideration be given, at least in off peak periods to sectioning of parts of buses and train to low density seating to allow social distancing with priority for the vulnerable?

Why the contribution is important

Public transport is a life line to the elderly and vulnerable but crowded public transport places them at high risk of infection

by GeoC on May 06, 2020 at 06:38PM

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  • Posted by ennovy May 07, 2020 at 09:44

    Public transport is essential for many - not just the elderly and vulnerable. Buses/trains should address socila distancing issues for the benefit of all users. Cutting services, as has happened during lockdown, has not necessarily cut usage. If you need to travel, and the bus is your only option, you use the bus!. However, this has sometimes led to these less frquent services being more crowded than one would ideally wish. Bus users will voluntarily self-distance on buses if possible by sitting 2 seats apart. This has not always been possible in recent days. Please restore full bus services as part of easing of lockdown.
  • Posted by harviej May 07, 2020 at 12:18

    We know an elderly gentleman, who gave up driving because he no longer felt confident. He now intends to buy another car and start driving again, as he is scared to use public transport in case he catches the virus. He will probably be a danger to himself and other drivers
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