Maintain restrictions on kids playing out with their home

Maintain the restriction of children not being permitted out to play other than in their own garden or accompanied for daily exercise

Why the contribution is important

I fear the risk from dozens of households back out to play again would be disastrous to keeping the R number down. It’s tough on kids and parents but I know from my own family that telling kids to practice social distancing and good hygiene if they are out playing is completely unfeasable. This would lead to the possible of mass infection spread and there is no way the planned App would help to trace the kids and families from any reported infection.

by MagsL on May 05, 2020 at 10:04PM

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  • Posted by Feemcfa May 05, 2020 at 22:51

    Children could be allowed to interact in small groups. Face to face physical play is vital for children's wellbeing. Consider households where there is only one child.
    Virtual play and use of technology is not a substitute for human interaction.
    Children are at very low risk of virus
  • Posted by murrayme8 May 05, 2020 at 23:00

    I would rather see more in the medical side first as being a patient just out of hospital I think this is something that needs to be looked at serious as kids are out and about and you don’t know what there touching or speaking to this is something I feel strongly about .
  • Posted by julselis May 05, 2020 at 23:26

    I'm absolutely sick of seeing parents allowing their children to touch every surface in parks, back courts etc. You don't know who nearby may be vulnerable but not shielded, parents need to take more responsibility that their children adhere to proper precautions....I have yet to see a single parent wipe their childrens hands even with a baby wipe, and I believe child friendly hand sanitisers are widely available. They should be made to use them to stop the spread!
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