Maintenance of the countryside

Hundreds of years ago the rivers and waterways of the u.k.were devoid of life in most of the country
If it wasn’t for anglers policing the waterways and being responsible for making sure they are kept clean and pollution free the animal ,waterfowl and plant life would be decimated as most industrialist and land workers have their own agenda so the sooner anglers are allowed back on the waterways the sooner we can keep an eye on the health of the countryside
Yours Rongib

An eye on the health of the countryside
Yours Rongib

Why the contribution is important

As above

by Rongib on May 06, 2020 at 08:19PM

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Based on: 2 votes


  • Posted by murray56 May 06, 2020 at 21:40

    open recycling centres and stop fly tipping
  • Posted by BUTEMACS May 07, 2020 at 03:17

    I think the rivers & waterways are doing just fine in fact probably improved since lock down so your fishing theory doesn't make sense to me, but murry56 's comment on fly tipping that's definitely an issue needs sorted.
  • Posted by KenmoreGold May 11, 2020 at 10:05

    There's a number of good reasons why angling should be an early candidate for consideration including:
        • being a largely solitary sport where self isolation occurs naturally
        • proven benefits for mental health and social well-being
        • a reduction in pressure on other public open spaces
        • evidence that non-contact outdoor activities will not increase infection rates
    • angling appeals to people of all ages and backgrounds and engages able-bodied and disabled participants alike
        • the majority of the population live close to a waterway minimising the need for significant travel.
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