Make households responsible for their own contact tracing.

With the introduction of contact tracing as a way to stay on top of viral transmission, people could be asked to maintain their own records of social contact. This would create an 'infection chain', making it a lot easier for all inside that chain to be contacted and to isolate themselves. People could share their records before deciding to socialise.

The carrot is that people and households will be allowed to socialise, responsibly. Alowing family and children to maintain connections. The stick is that a higher amount of socialisation makes it more likely someone will be in an 'infection chain' and have to isolate.

I personally think it will make people act responsibly, for example isolating 14 days before visiting elderly or vulnerable friends and family.

Why the contribution is important

Children have not been allowed to play since the middle of march. This is not trivial. Similarly family have not been able to see loved ones. Again this is unsustainable for any length of time.

There simply needs to be a safe way of doing this again, otherwise we risk non compliance and a potentially huge state enforcement. It is vital that the population are on board with restrictions, and this seems like a sensible proposal which puts a certain amount of responsibility on adults within an agreed framework.

by GavinFalconer on May 05, 2020 at 01:35PM

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  • Posted by alogan May 05, 2020 at 14:01

    Good idea
  • Posted by Graham May 06, 2020 at 22:35

    Might be less than perfect when visiting the supermarket for example. We are not going to ask each person who squeezes past us, what their phone number is. ely on the app.
  • Posted by GavinFalconer May 07, 2020 at 13:29

    I think the point here is the more immediate lifting of restrictions on social interaction, especially for children, who do not carry smart phones.

    The app is a longer term strategy. It will not be the ticket that allows children to socialise again. That has to be done in a controlled manner with families taking responsibility.

    Anyway, with social distancing measures no one should be squeezing past you in a supermarket.
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