Make it the law to wear masks in certain places

The Scottish Government has advised the wearing of masks in shops and on public transport. There is not much sign of that yet. Make it a legal requirement, if necessary linked to the issue of free fabric masks (2 per person) manufactured in Scotland.

Why the contribution is important

If wearing a mask in an enclosed space could reduce infection rates, however slightly, it should be made compulsory. We should help protect other shoppers and supermarket workers, bus drivers etc.

by Edinburgholdie on May 05, 2020 at 03:46PM

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  • Posted by swangoose May 05, 2020 at 16:05

    Why does the Scottish Government feel it is more qualified to give a verdict on face masks than the World Health Authorities. They do not advocate the use of them.
  • Posted by JohnT May 05, 2020 at 16:06

    I think wearing face COVERINGS when outside should be a legal requirement, but anything that removes essential PPE from those that need it is a terrible idea.
  • Posted by Blewis48 May 05, 2020 at 16:13

    Masks only reduce risk if used approximately and make people complacent and increase risk.
  • Posted by dbridge964 May 05, 2020 at 16:42

    There seems to be little evidence of their benefit and the WHO does not encourage their use. It would exacerbate the shortage for those who do need them.
  • Posted by Bella2 May 05, 2020 at 16:58

    There is so much opinions on face masks, most likely wearing a mask won't do much to prevent someone contracting Covid-19, but may help reduce the amount of virus-laden droplets being spread by someone with the virus - surely anything is worth a try in our current climate?
  • Posted by Brian May 06, 2020 at 01:33

    The evidence on masks is weak. Encourage use. Make it mandatory for employers to offer them but not mandatory to wear them.
  • Posted by angelseasonfive May 06, 2020 at 08:42

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    Coronavirus (COVID-19): framework for decision making
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    Mask mandatory in public area
    To easy lockdown masks or any forms of face covering should be mandatory in any public area to stop the transmission of COVID-19.
    Why the contribution is important
    It is believed that COVID-19 is transmitted through droplets. Although there is no direct evidence for mask to protect people from coronavirus, people wearing masks can effectively reduce the amount of droplets produced. Without intensive testing, wearing masks or any other forms of face covering is a costless but efficient way to reduce the spread of the disease.
    by whuang on May 06, 2020 at 12:14AM

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    The jury is out on masks/cloth coverings. The evidence of their effectiveness is flimsy, it has been reported. They definitely require to he handled correctly, though. Is there any benefit when people touch their mask then touch their face or surfaces. Watching the news, I was shouting at the news reporter touching his mask to adjust it and not using the straps. The traveller who was also wearing gloves took her sunglasses off and touched her eyes - potentially infecting herself - she may have touched infected surfaces with her gloved hands. The shoppers in Germany moving their mask up and down their face to talk to people, or taking masks off then putting back on to go into another shop.

  • Posted by Milliecat50 May 06, 2020 at 09:27

    Face masks make sense even if only slightly likely to prevent spread of virus. Every little slightly adds up.
  • Posted by TonyFinn May 06, 2020 at 10:51

    Some Medical specialist have advised that wearing face mask are counter productive and pointless and will be detrimental to the wearers personal health with an impact on their immune system through reduced oxygen intake and breathing in more carbon dioxide and fibres making the wearer even more susceptible to illness. Also masks ineffective like putting chain mail on and expecting it to keep midges out !

    Mandatory masks! Why can’t you trust the Scottish people to do the right thing like in Sweden instead of treating us all like children in a nanny state?

    Response needs to be based on common sense, realistic and proportionate and NOT mandatory as you point out that there is “no direct evidence” masks protects people and may be to the contrary detrimental to their personal health?

    Yeah if social distance ain’t enough let’s make people feel more isolated and alone by covering their face also in public, come on!
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