making children the priority now

concentrate on p1, p7 those sitting exams and pre-school to start with and then get the rest back into education, If it is possible involve willing and tested grand parents to help get mums and dads back to work. Children back in education and safe will be needed to reassure parents before they will return to work

Why the contribution is important

as much normality for children as possible, they will bear the brunt of the disruption in the long term.

by murray56 on May 06, 2020 at 05:19PM

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  • Posted by Colquhounr May 06, 2020 at 19:50

    People's lives should be the priority not education for primary school children. See other comments elsewhere. Primary schools are breading grounds for viruses. Teachers should have PPE. Children will bring home viruses to older relatives. Social distancing with young children is impossible in schools.
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