Mandate home working

Introduce legislation which makes employers allow employees who can work from home, work from home. Now and after covid ..

Why the contribution is important

Will improve social distancing opportunities for those who still must attend the workplace.
Will reduce congestion and pollution on roads and dead time commuting.
Reduced traffic At peak times would have the effect of building many new roads - without having to do so.
Will add / free up public transport capacity
Save fuel and carbon emissions.
It would simply be crazy to go back to the pointless practice of so many commuting journeys and lost Productive time, when home working has been proven to work for so many people.
This would improve life for those who can’t work from home.
Needs a massive mind shift and culture change by employers - but this needs legislation to encourage behaviour change and prevent a return to previous bad practices of attending offices and meeting rooms for the sake of presenteeism.

by Kirklistonjohn on May 06, 2020 at 01:43AM

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Based on: 15 votes


  • Posted by PK673 May 06, 2020 at 17:15

    As someone who although enjoys office life I also have a 3 hour commute each day over 4 trains and occasional taxis. This is something I really do not want to do given the current circumstances. I also feel since I started commuting that I was always picking up bugs even before coronavirus. People are packed in like sardines, it's never safe and bad for health even at the best of times.
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