Mandatory home working

Where people can do so, mandatory home working would allow more space for key workers to access office facilities.

Why the contribution is important

Would enable fewer people in the office and less transmission rates

by Ss770640 on May 08, 2020 at 05:15PM

Current Rating

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Based on: 10 votes


  • Posted by TABtalk22 May 08, 2020 at 18:25

    Perhaps not mandatory, but for those who can legitimately work from home this should be encouraged. It would help some companies tackle their social distancing challenge in offices, reduce traffic congestion / pollution, and in some cases provide greater working flexibility for both staff and management. It would also help those who worry that it's still too soon to lift the lockdown. Also, if there's a second outbreak later this year before a vaccine is found we'll all be better placed for round 2 of lockdown if as many people & organisations as practicable are well-versed and productive in home working.
  • Posted by rayneri May 08, 2020 at 21:18

    The government should insist that companies and organisations where people can work effectively from home are compelled to allow workers to do so (if they wish). Without this condition being formalised by the government, many companies will not allow workers to continue with home working. This is especially important for workers who have a vulnerable person within their household. Forcing people to travel via pubic transport and work in an office environment simply increases the likelihood of infection, and in turn, infecting very vulnerable people. The government must make a very clear statement insisting on the right to work from home where it can be demonstrated that there is no reduction in productivity.
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