
It should be mandatory for all supermarket staff to wear masks or a visor when working since it is difficult to maintain social distancing in such a setting. If customers are urged to wear a face covering when shopping then it needs to be made essential for staff since not all customers follow this guideline.

Why the contribution is important

This could make staff feel a little more safer when they are working since they are there for the majority of the day depending on the length of their shift. It could minimise they risk or anything being passed on and then taken back to their household and families when they finish work. Staff who work with other colleagues on the shop floor may not be able to maintain a constant 2m distance from each other and not all staff are in contact with the same customers which could increase the chances of something being passed on and you cannot trust all colleagues to be following rules when they are not in work.

by LReilly on May 11, 2020 at 12:17PM

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