Meeting Up

As a single person with only a couple of relatives I think it will be very difficult for me to come within anyone’s bubble. If I were to meet my friends I would be potentially mixing with a large number of “bubbles” that will be formed with a family setting. It would be nice if some consideration to be given to people like myself that live alone, I would love to meet up with friends, my sanity & quality of life has been preserved by my daily virtual meetings, but only if we were able to do so legally & safely eg meeting in the back garden maintaining the appropriate level of social distancing

Why the contribution is important

Because it considers a group of people that may be excluded

by Scotmac on May 11, 2020 at 12:16PM

Current Rating

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Based on: 3 votes


  • Posted by LeeLee33 May 11, 2020 at 15:00

    The "live alone" group are completely excluded from consideration at the moment, and condemned to no human "contact" whatsoever unless paying for shopping. Some have no family, or none in their local area. A "one buddy" system should have been in place throughout this lockdown like New Zealand
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