Mental health - suggestions of exit strategy

- Ban bikes from pavements comepletely it’s against the law anyway but it makes social distancing Ona. Pavement much harder and this need to be implemented bike police. Even the ‘cycle paths’ are too narrow for social distance measures please enforce this.

- Non risk people should be able to leave home making sure they are abiding social distance rules. Should not be in contact with high risk people but if you are healthy should not be locked down in our home.

- More accessibility for those with disabilities in supermarkets having autism and adhd a huge Q is frightening and only one supermarket has adaptations for disabled people. Tesco. More supermarkets should offer the lanyard like them.

- Pavement markings for distance measures and implement single file rule unless person requires assisance. Couples or groups of families walking four abreast is not fair for those trying to abide the rules.

- Clothing shops reopen with similar standards to supermarkets larger stores such as primary, h and m and Victoria’s Secret (few examples) of stores that are able to keep to measures because of store size. Reopen of business could be based on area size of a shop.

- Pubs with beer gardens could be reopened with enough space as with coffee places and restaurants with outdoor spaces to facilitate space for social distance. Time limited enforcement of 1 hour for customers to make sure that those in a social bubble are able to meet safely but have a fair rule of time management to make sure more than one bubble gets a chance to spend time with others.

- the lockdown for those not high risk of death locked at home should be eased as mental health is deteriorating for many and the risk of suicide should be considered as isolated individuals alone with their own mind is not beneficial. This is something that I don’t believe the government has put enough implementation into and a mental health crisis is imminent with how things currently are.

- complete clarity on rules no wishy washy information as it’s very confusing

- Police deserve more recognition for their work. I understand the key worker clap but this is very much NHS geared. Police Scotland need to be commended for their hard work as they do not have protective equipment and have very much not been appreciated as much as they should be. Police Scotland have done an excellent job and deserve more.

Why the contribution is important

I feel my ideas are important to protect people’s mental health and ease life back to normality. There’s ways of doing this as suggested and really hope it’s been helpful as covid is not the only killer the mind is too and this MUST be addressed.

by Amybeckett on May 06, 2020 at 12:22PM

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  • Posted by Muriel May 06, 2020 at 14:45

    Many of us are well able to decide on a sensible basis, whether it is safe to walk, visit a beer garden etc and more thought should be given to the very healthy 0ver70s allowing us to continue to use our grey cells
  • Posted by Amybeckett May 07, 2020 at 12:57

    Precisely. Thanks for your comment and hopefully things can improve for us all. Take care
  • Posted by roobie May 08, 2020 at 10:52

    A mental illness pandemic is on the horizon precisely as no extra provision was made for mental illness nor the torture of isolation on solo households.
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