MHVR - Is it spreading virus particles in our homes?

MHVR in our newbuild ground floor flat is useless for ventilation as it pulls in weed and cigarette smoke from residents smoking outside the building and distributes it throughout our living areas. It's pulling in smoke that people breathe out, is it pulling in virus particles that are breathed out too?

Why the contribution is important

Many newbuild homes use MHVR for ventilation. Air is pulled in from outside and pumped through the residence. We already get smoke and weed smells coming into our home from the breath of people smoking outside near the building. Surely we are pulling in virus particles that have been coughed or breathed out in the same way?

by twilight on May 06, 2020 at 08:41PM

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  • Posted by BUTEMACS May 07, 2020 at 02:34

    can see this would be worrying for you & horrible to put up with, think this would be an environmental health issue even outwith a covid one should & still be operating think you should approach them,
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