
All pupils to return to school after summer holidays at same level/class/ grade as current for 4 weeks before transitioning into the next level/class/ grade E.G. Pupils in Primary 1 will return to Primary 1 after summer holiday break for 4 weeks before moving into Primary 2.

This will hopefully allow pupils to catch up on any final work, collect final belongings, transition better into their new class or school in some cases, surrounded by friends and teachers who they know well and can support. This will also allow relevant classes to catvh up on any remaining work, have a final goodbye, graduation or/ and hopefully ease for kids who are making big jumps from nursery stage to primary school or primary school to high school. Hopefully this will settle kids back into school work/ routine with comfort of knowing where going back to not having as big an impact on emotions/ health/ wellbeing etc.

Why the contribution is important

This is largely important for the health and wellbeing of kids and adults.

by beccagaga on May 09, 2020 at 10:33PM

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