More space for people to move around their communities while socially distancing.

Implement wide scale traffic management plans to reduce through traffic of private vehicles and create more space for pedestrians and cyclists to move around their communities at a more social distance. Use of bus gates, road closures, one way systems and lower speed limits to achieve this.

Why the contribution is important

Reduces pedestrian crowding at road junctions, allows space for segregated cycle paths. Makes it safer for communities to cross the street in different places. Spreads the flow of people across a wider physical space instead of being limited to a narrow strip alongside busy commuter roads.

by Gary on May 06, 2020 at 01:37PM

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Based on: 3 votes


  • Posted by Alison123 May 09, 2020 at 15:34

    I agree maintaining space for pedestrians is crucial. Currently less traffic means pedestrians can use roads as a way of socially distancing. This is already becoming more difficult as traffic increases and pavements are busier with people queuing.

    Could crossings also be prioritised for pedestrians to allow people to cross more quickly and avoid a build up of people at road junctions?
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