Most things make sense, change that which doesn’t

- To allow people to meet at 2 metres distance outside
- To ensure we use this opportunity to enter into a radical green recovery and not repeat the errors of old, it maybe the only chance the human race, or we as a nation ever have to do the right thing.
- To redefine what household means

Why the contribution is important

In terms of a green recovery- we have a chance whilst we are refocused on what is important and what we can change when we need to. We can’t just trip back into the old ways, well we can and might, but now might be the only time we can do the right thing before it’s too late. It could make this experience positive, if we do this in a just and fair way, which we can.

It feels somewhat easy to follow rules when they make sense and have parity, and indeed most do. And I believe there has been a great desire to explain workings.

However a couple of things don’t. One is: it is fine to accidentally bump (not physically of course), someone you know outside whilst exercising as long as you stay 2 metres apart- but not ok to arrange to see someone you know outside whilst staying 2 metres apart - I think to acknowledge and allow the second makes sense.
Single people to be connected to another household reduces isolation and makes sense as, for example, 2 single people who live in separate households being in contact compared with 2 people living in the same household has no bearing on the r0 number, but does affect their life... I believe we should call them extended households and begin to define them by their reduced contact to nonhousehold members, perhaps also using it as a time to value as a nation how many of us have none traditional ‘families’, which those who live this life have been deeply affected by this strong definition of household.
I know everyone has been doing the best they can tho...

by Mmmichelle on May 06, 2020 at 02:35PM

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  • Posted by Ossian May 06, 2020 at 15:51

    Agree with all these ideas
  • Posted by TGreen0308 May 06, 2020 at 19:12

    I agree wholeheartedly and would add that per a scientific paper out for peer review (see here:[…]/health-52542108) that it would make most sense to adopt a 'segment and shield' strategy. Protect those that need protection and ease restrictions for those who won't be as badly affected by the virus. Putting everyone on lockdown is destroying mental health, the economy and people's lives. It doesn't make sense to continue down the route of one size fits all.
  • Posted by Tom9nn May 09, 2020 at 08:18

    Grasping the opportunity to make the new normal a green normal is important. For example making working from home where practical the new norm maintains social distancing and cuts transport pollution as does encouraging use of virtual meetings. The Scottish government and local councils could lead the way on this by adopting working from home as policy. Create more cycle ways to improve health. Don't support a return to flying as business as usual by limiting subsidies to airlines.
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