Motorcycling - should be part of your daily exercise as it’s good for your mental health
I believe that motorcyclists should be allowed to go out once a day for non essential travel, so for leisure, which is proven to be physically as well as mentally healthy for you.
The current lockdown in Scotland has to be respected so this should maybe limited to a certain amount of time each day.
I have not ridden my motorcycle for 8 weeks within the rules, and out of respect to not put pressure on the NHS given the risks involved. However there is equally a high risk for cyclists who are allowed to go out each day, I am aware of 4 people at my workplace who have been in accidents with their bicycle where they were admitted to hospital.
Motorcyclists are well protected with equipment, and is an ideal activity for isolation. Motorcyclists should only be allowed to go out as an individual or with one other person, and not to meet with other motorcyclists in groups and should still maintain social distancing.
The current lockdown in Scotland has to be respected so this should maybe limited to a certain amount of time each day.
I have not ridden my motorcycle for 8 weeks within the rules, and out of respect to not put pressure on the NHS given the risks involved. However there is equally a high risk for cyclists who are allowed to go out each day, I am aware of 4 people at my workplace who have been in accidents with their bicycle where they were admitted to hospital.
Motorcyclists are well protected with equipment, and is an ideal activity for isolation. Motorcyclists should only be allowed to go out as an individual or with one other person, and not to meet with other motorcyclists in groups and should still maintain social distancing.
Why the contribution is important
As stated above, motorcycling is proven to be physically good for you as a number of calories are known to be burnt by riding a motorcycle. However, more importantly motorcycling is paramount to a motorcyclists mental health.
Riding a motorcycle is proven to be good for your MH. It allows the rider to be fully focused on the activity and allows you to put other struggles in life aside.
Riding a motorcycle is proven to be good for your MH. It allows the rider to be fully focused on the activity and allows you to put other struggles in life aside.
by lozv99 on May 11, 2020 at 08:51AM
Posted by Dave_H May 11, 2020 at 09:15
Allowing this and many other low risk outdoor activities very soon , as discussed in the many many suggestions in this discussion, will improve the mental health of the population and make them more likely to respect the restrictions that remain.
If there is no opening up of outdoor low risk (of spreading the virus) activities then the people will feel this consultation has been ignored and rules are in place for rules sake, rather than for a scientific need. And people would then lose respect of the Scottish government and start flouting the rules if they did not believe them to have scientific merit.
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Posted by IainMacIan May 11, 2020 at 10:40
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