
Allows schools to teach remotely until August then reassess. Continue to run the schools for those in need and keep numbers low. Vulnerable children should be safe guarded and monitored within school.
Opening schools fully isn’t possible, social distancing in schools isn’t possible and our classrooms simply aren’t big enough. Not every class room even has a sink. Children do not understand the concept and within this you are also need to consider ASN children. Even the hub models at the minute are proving challenging.
School staff and their families have a right to be protected from the virus too and not exposed to potentially another 30 carriers everyday. We are already working without PPE or ample cleaning supplies.

Why the contribution is important

I work within the sector and have a first hand understanding of how schools operate and the limitations to a social distancing approach.

by laurataylor385 on May 07, 2020 at 07:43PM

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