No fancy tracing app - just keep a diary!
There is no need for privacy risking, battery draining contact tracing apps like UK govt are testing on the isle of wight, which require a critical mass of users to trust the government to hurriedly create a well thought out secure system, and which excludes those without a smartphone. All thats needed is:
1. Workplaces to be required to keep a log of who has visiting each premises (or even part of a premises for very large locations) for the last 14 days with contact details.
2. People to be required to keep a diary/log/journal of who they have contact with (their limited bubble) in the last 14 days.
3. Where people are interacting professionally (e.g. doing repairs on someones house, a dentist etc) they can also keep an easily available record for tracing purposes.
And be required to produce these on request by Healthcare official or the police, to enable contact tracing.
Can increase the total number of people we interact with each day (perhaps starting at 4 outside the household?) as things progress.
1. Workplaces to be required to keep a log of who has visiting each premises (or even part of a premises for very large locations) for the last 14 days with contact details.
2. People to be required to keep a diary/log/journal of who they have contact with (their limited bubble) in the last 14 days.
3. Where people are interacting professionally (e.g. doing repairs on someones house, a dentist etc) they can also keep an easily available record for tracing purposes.
And be required to produce these on request by Healthcare official or the police, to enable contact tracing.
Can increase the total number of people we interact with each day (perhaps starting at 4 outside the household?) as things progress.
Why the contribution is important
Far less likely to trigger false reports like my neighbour or someone in a car next to me at traffic light who I haven't actually had interaction with being close enough for bluetooth to connect them, or miss people who's phone was turned off, and doesn't disadvantage the elderly who are least likely to have a smartphone.
In fact just keeping a record would probably help people understand just how many people they do interact with each day and therefore their personal risk.
In fact just keeping a record would probably help people understand just how many people they do interact with each day and therefore their personal risk.
by pondering on May 08, 2020 at 02:58PM
Posted by DevVeh May 08, 2020 at 17:07
The app is a good idea. Keeping a diary will only work if your contact is limited to people you know. I assume that along with the app they will ask for details you know you have spent time with especially if they don't have a smart phone.
BLE (the bluetooth protocol that will be used) is also very reliable and wont have the issues you have mentioned. These are already used widely in shops to track how you move through the store, it is actually very easy to see how far someone is away from you using BLE and very reliable. Especially in the range that is a risk for COVID19
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Posted by MikeJohnston May 08, 2020 at 18:10
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Posted by lovemachine May 08, 2020 at 19:29
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