No return to unsustainable economic growth and GDP as a measure of succesd

Surely if this pandemic shows us anything it's that what's important is people, their health and wellbeing and that we all act to help each other and that govt support this with a universal payment for all to live whether working or not and push to promote sustainable businesses
We cannot go back to raping our resources and polluting our planet, jumping on and off planes at a whim , and basing a person's worth on their wealth.
We need to be concentrating on producing our own food and goods in Scotland and less on imports, working with partners at home and abroad for the good of all not just huge multinationals and their shareholders. Businesses must take account of their social responsibilities and not just solely their profit margin . GDP is a terrible way to assess our success and takes no account of people's happiness, fulfillment and creativity, it's doesn't measure food banks or suffering of the disabled by our benefit systems.

Why the contribution is important

We learn nothing and would act against our own best interests if we repeat history and go back to unsustainable growth measured by GDP , polluting our planet, boom and bust economics after such a pandemic as we are currently living in. The great social side of people has appeared in many ways despite social distancing and the appreciation of our amazing Health and care workers is heartening. Let's not lose this and use as a means to make a better Scotland for all.

by denguelassa on May 06, 2020 at 08:47PM

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  • Posted by BUTEMACS May 07, 2020 at 02:24

    Yes in an ideal world but I'm afraid I'm a realist, wish I was wrong but it just ain't going to happen
  • Posted by katjamcc May 07, 2020 at 18:47

    Research has shown this would give greater economic payback and create more jobs than bailing out existing fossil fuel companies. Many cities and countries are moving towards this. Scotland as a leader should do the same!
  • Posted by cameronrose May 07, 2020 at 20:48

    There are many lessons to be learned during the pandemic which will be useful post Corona. But this contribution lacks constructive specifics and does not take sufficient account the realities of economics. It is the efficiencies of businesses which have led to widely available cheap food for all (eg Lidl, Aldi etc) and which have led to the dramatic reduction in worldwide poverty in the last decades. For example, the total number of absolute poor decreased by more than 700 million between 1981 and 2008, even as the world population rose by 48 percent, and continues to do so.

    Cheap energy, (and fossil fuels remain, in almost all cases, cheaper and more efficient that renewables,
     katjamcc), is a significant contributing factor. Far from being unsustainable, growth has fuelled the reduction in poverty, the increase in wealth and the ability of countries to address issues such as particulate pollution (in many western countries more than most).

    The suggester does not give sufficient credit to companies (above supermarkets, eg) who provide an efficient service from which we benefit (clothing, food, fuel etc), provide employment, and which contribute taxes for those things which do need to be carried out by governments.
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